Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Just For You: Welcome
Y’all Come!

“Beloved!” This was the word I chose to focus on last year. The concept and truth that I am, you are, a beloved child of God is the core of who I am. It’s the core of who you are. This is not what our culture tells us but it is what God tells us by His actions and in His Word. As Henri Nouwen puts it “Before your were loved or wounded by your parents, your teachers, your friends, you were God’s beloved child.” Therefore, as I turn to Him with a grateful heart, I can be confident and rest in who I am in His sight.  I can also grow in looking at each other person in this same light.

    “Welcome!” This is the word I choose to focus on this year. “Beloved” helps me know who I am. “Welcome” helps me know who God is.

    Richard Foster says, “To think rightly about God is, in an important sense, to have everything right. To think wrongly about God is, in an important sense, to have everything wrong.”  A.W. Tozer comments, “Nothing twists and deforms the soul more than a low or unworthy conception of God.”

    God’s welcoming heart astonishes me. Indeed, He demonstrates amazing welcome as He calls me under His warm, protective and cozy wings. God welcomes me to rest on Him as a weaned child rests on her mother. He welcomes me to “Come to Him.” Especially when I am weary. Especially when I am worn out. Jesus pictures God as the Waiting Father,  ready to welcome a wandering child home from the far country. And then what? Why this Welcoming Father throws a party. As my husband recently said to a returning friend, “Break out the robe, the ring and the fatted calf. Let’s party!” No condemnation there. No censure. No regaling the past or looking down on the one who turns and returns. (When we do that we’re in Elder Brother territory. May God help us to see ourselves and become more like our Father.)

    Back where “The stars at night, are big and bright....deep in the heart of Texas,” we had a saying—“Y’all come!” Jesus came bringing this invitation from the Father. Jesus’ welcoming heart to all showed us the Father’s heart. Jesus, as He walked on to the cross, opened the door for us  to come on in, to come to Him. And as Hebrews says we can now draw near with confidence.

    The invitation and welcome is there. The question is do I see the Father as He is and will I dare to draw near? I draw near as I pray and tell Him all that’s on my heart. Not what should be on my heart but what is on my heart. He knows me inside and out. He longs to have His children home. He longs for me to tell all. He listens and He hears.

    He is a Faithful Friend who welcomes me to not only come the first time, but to want to spend time listening to Him and talking to Him. To know Him better. To let Him into my life. David and I have no delight greater than having one or more of our sons come and spend time with us. But we are only a dim reflection of the way our Father desires each of us to come to Him.  I find that when I know I am welcomed into someone’s presence, it’s a magnet drawing me to that one. And I usually leave with a lighter step as I walk into my day. I know I am heard and cared for by the One who so loves me in such a welcoming manner.

    Always God is saying, “Come closer. I know your name. You are welcome in my heart and in my presence. Y’all come!”

   Thanking God for His welcoming heart and kind invitation to come,


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