"Life is mighty chancy at any kind of
Rudyard Kipling
don't wade swift streams any more, if I can help it, even when the best fishing
is on the other side. The rocks are too slippery, the currents are too strong,
my balance is too uncertain, and my old legs aren't what they used to be.
see it as a parable: so many challenges I once took on readily are now too
challenging for me. Like the psalmist, I lose sleep at night wondering how I
can negotiate them (77:1-4).
then I remember the "deeds of the LORD." I read that his "path
led through the sea, his way through the mighty waters." He surged through
the Red Sea as I would wade a tiny brook.
he "lead his people like a flock." Like a good shepherd he brought
all Israel safely through the Red Sea to the other side. No one was left
behind, no one was abandoned, no one was swept away.
of us face difficult and dangerous crossings in our life-time-a transition to a
new place or position, a decision to abandon a sinful practice and make a new
beginning, a choice to walk a way we would rather not go, a call to venture
ourselves in untried service, a retirement that takes us from prominence to a
lower profile, or our final crossing through the river "bitter and
cold." Yet we need not fear the dark currents for God does not fear them.
His strength and courage are infinite. He will see us through.
the psalmist observes with some wonderment, he "leaves no footprints"
as he accompanies us. Just as the sand in the bottom of a stream hides our
footprints as soon as they are imprinted, so God's presence, as real as our
own, is hidden from us. He is with us, "walking incognito," as C. S.
Lewis said, and thus we may not realize he is present. But, Lewis continues,
"the incognito is not hard to penetrate. The real labor is to remember, to
attend," to make ourselves think about his presence; to acknowledge that
he is at our side.
though we cannot see God's footprints in our crossings, he is incarnate in
human agents that we can see. At the
Red Sea he led Israel "through the hand of Moses and Aaron." Now, he
leads us in the wise counsel of a mother, in the strong grip of a father, in
the urgings of godly brother or sister, in the quiet encouragement of a caring
spouse, in the gentle touch of a child.
many hands have reached out to us-guiding us, encouraging us, strengthening us.
In them we perceive the hand of our Lord leading us through deep and dangerous
waters to the other side.
crossings are inevitable, but our Lord has promised: "When you pass
through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you" (Isaiah 43:2).
came to the swift, raging river,
the roar held the echo of fear;
Lord, give me wings to fly over,
You are, as You promised, quite near."
He said, "Trust the grace I am giving,
sufficient for you.
My hand-we'll face this together;
My plan is not over, but through."