He'll Come Running
"Blessed are those whose way is blameless,
who walk in the law of the LORD" —Psalm 119:1
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the psalter, twenty-two stanzas arranged around the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The psalmist affirms throughout his love for God's Word and his desire to "walk" in it. But the psalm ends with a whimper: "(Nevertheless,) I keep wandering off like a lost sheep" (119:176).
Nobody never sins. That's where grace comes in.
Julian of Norwich wrote, "When you are distressed by your failures, do not run from the Lord—as if any of us could hide from Him! Instead, run to Him quickly ... and say, ‘I have corrupted myself and made myself filthy, and I hate it because now I’m not like you. I cannot be clean again—I cannot be free from this corruption—unless you come and lift me and help me.' And He always comes!"—I Promise You a Crown
When you fall all you got to do is call, and He'll come running, wherever you are...
He whose day-life is obedient righteousness,
Who, after failure, or a poor success,
Rises up, stronger effort yet renewing—
He finds thee, Lord, at length, in his own common room.
—George Macdonald
David Roper
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