Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Dear IMM Friends,

As I have been thinking of you and of some of the things you're personally facing, I have also been thinking of our country and the turmoil and struggles we are in the midst of. As I have prayed, read and processed with God some of your situations and some of mine, and these times we are living in, I had the opportunity to write some of the thoughts God gave me to a friend whom I love dearly.

This is a difficult time for all of us as we walk under COVID 19 and the unrest in our country, plus as we deal with our personal situations which are on our minds daily. So how do we think about the things we are going through?

I keep thinking of the word TOGETHER. It’s in that overused verse in Romans 8:28. With this word—“TOGETHER”— being central I can ask God to make the truth of the verse real in my mind. “All things work TOGETHER for good.” Not all things are good. I am asking God to help me camp on the fact that He has a plan for me, for you, for those you love, for our country and our world. All the while knowing that Hill Difficulty must be traveled in the here and now.  Do I understand how this works? No. But I take it by faith because of the cross and the resurrection. And you know we can never really project into the future. But it’s hard not to try.

As you know God gives strength for today and for what we are going through today. He will be there for each of us whatever comes next. Like manna I cannot stack up His grace for what will be, but I can remember His track record that got me through back when it was hard the last time. And, sweet friend, we have an enemy who plays us like a fiddle with either the world, the flesh or evil. We also have a Redeemer who is fierce in His love for us. Stuff will happen. But no matter what. Nothing can separate us from that love. Nothing within me and nothing without can separate me from God’s love. (Romans 8 again.)

We’re still in the middle of the story. But we know Who wins in the end. And we know the good He has laid up for us with an extravagant celebration and reunion that will never end. All the good things I long for the most or have tasted here will be magnified there. Nothing good will be lost but redeemed and amplified.

I may not be ready to wear my dancing shoes today (there is still weeping), BUT I do need to keep them polished. And I need to look at them often with hope so that I can endure like Jesus. For the JOY set before me.  (Hebrews 12: 1,2.) And we know all things work TOGETHER for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

With love and prayers,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Carolyn for your posting today - very much appreciate the analogy around keeping a shine on my "dancing shoes." Your thoughts dovetailed so nicely with the devotion i read this morning - David's essay, "The Discipline of Distress." You both encourage me, in the midst of the challenges, to remain patient and keep aware of how God is growing me into more of the person He wants me to be.

Thank you both for your on-going service to the Kingdom.

Many blessings,

Going and Not Knowing

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing...