Thursday, October 31, 2019

Welcome: A Heart Like His

One day in the dim and distant past the agenda before me was to welcome someone into my life—into my home and into my heart. This person was someone I didn’t even want to have around, little less actually WELCOME.  In years gone by this man had caused much pain to me and to mine. Nothing had been acknowledged on his part. Yet I had worked on the hard task of forgiving­—but from a distance.

But here’s the thing—I know God has a welcoming heart. I know He has welcomed me! Oft times His welcome has been graciously given after I have been indifferent to Him, grieved Him, ignored Him or squandered His gifts of time, opportunity, money or abilities. I’ve told my stories but not been so quick to tell His stories. Or really listen to another’s story.

At times I have walked around with a two-by-four in my eye while trying to focus on that tiny speck in another’s eye. Sometimes I have entertained complaints in my heart and grumbled about the manna de-jour. I’ve taken the higher seat on my high horse rather than follow His example and directive to take the lower seat. He is One who stooped to serve, and to serve even those who hurt Him.

Still, God’s welcoming heart has been generous in giving forgiveness to me as I’ve turned in humility to Him. And before the turning times, His heart has yearned for His wandering child to come Home. Like Jesus with Judas in the Upper Room, God has continued to offer me the bread and the wine, not exposing me to shame by pointing out my betrayal to others.

As I thought about that person who was coming, I knew I could have the coffee ready, have the welcome mat out and open the door. But I knew I could not change my heart to offer a sincere welcome.

So as I was bringing my desire to have a heart like His, a welcoming heart, I heard these words in my thoughts: The very one who is coming to your door today is My precious child. Please welcome him for My sake. Just as I welcome you. Just as you delight to have another give a royal welcome to your child.

And Carolyn, I will correct him. He belongs to me and that’s My responsibility. Your assignment and opportunity is to welcome with a sincere heart, one I am changing by my Spirit of truth and power and grace. My desire for you is to be My agent of grace today. 

God’s welcome comes because Jesus paid the cost of my sins, my small indifferences or insensitivities as well as huge things like betrayal and abandonment. That day God was not asking me to be in a place that was unsafe or to be this person’s best buddy. (If that is ever the case, I will have to get back to you on my response!) God was asking me to recognize how much I have been forgiven and to continue to do so even in what could have been an uncomfortable situation. He was also taking responsibility to be the agent of change, first for me and then for the other.

How did the time go that day? I felt at peace and welcoming, by God’s grace. I did not see much change in the other person but I saw God changing me. And I could only give Him thanks with a grateful heart.


Going and Not Knowing

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing...