'Til We Have
"More in number
than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause... O God, you
know my
folly; the wrongs I have done." —Psalm 69:1,5
The psalmist laments
the unjust way in which others have treated him, but as the complaints tumble
out of his mouth he begins see his own "folly—the wrong he has done.
Thus, in our laments,
we may be brought face to face with our own wrong-doing, our proud, defensive
reactions, our words not entirely true, our missed opportunities to show
forbearance and grace—a largely unremarked premise C.S. Lewis' develops in his
fantasy, 'Till We Have Faces.
The main
character, Orual, has been taking angry mental notes throughout her life,
bitter at the injustice visited upon her. Finally, deciding to put her
complaints in writing, she describes each instance in which she believes she
has been wronged. But as she does so she sees her own "face" —her
own wrong-doing. In a flash of insight, she asks, "How can
the gods meet us face to face, 'til we have faces?"
As we stand before God lamenting the ways
in which others have sinned against us, may He open our eyes to see our own
"face," i. e., our own wrong-doing and the ways in which we
have grieved God, our sisters and brothers.
Then, God helping us, may we respond with
keener insight, greater humility and mercy toward who that have wronged us (Matthew
David Roper