“Continue in My Love”
"Keep yourselves in the love of God..." Jude 21
On cold days our old dog used to find a sunny spot in the backyard and stretch out on the grass—keeping herself in the warmth of the sun. So we must keep ourselves in the love of God.
This doesn’t mean that we must act in extraordinary ways to elicit God's love, because we're loved no matter what we do. Or fail to do. It means instead that we should bask in love’s radiance and warmth all day long. We should think about its extravagant dimensions: “experience its breadth, test its length, and plumb its depths!” (Ephesians 3:18,19 The Message)
God says, “I have loved you with everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). He loved us before we were born, he loves us now, and he will love us after we die (Psalm 103:4). This is our denouement: to be loved and loved and loved—forever. “
St. John describes himself as "the disciple Jesus loved." Jesus loved the other disciples, of course (even Judas), but John marveled and reveled in the thought that Jesus loved him! It was his mantra.” I am the disciple Jesus loves!”
"As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you”; Jesus said. “Continue in my love” (John 15:9).Remind yourself each morning: “I am the disciple that Jesus loves!" Let his love flow into your heart. Thus, may you keep yourself in His love.
David Roper