Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Being There

We who preach and teach tend to talk too much, or so it seems to me. We’re “word–mongers,” to use Augustine’s apt description—paid by the word. 

Some of the best healing, however, comes not from words, but from just being there, hearing and acknowledging the reality of someone’s pain.

Margaret Guenther, the author of Holy Listening” tells the story of the Scottish pediatrician who comforted her hurt and frightened child with a great enveloping bear hug and the words, “Och, poor wee thing!” The poor wee thing stopped crying at once for she realized that someone understood her pain. 

Guenther concludes, “I find myself guided by the unquestioning, all–encompassing compassion of that kind man with a burr. He brought healing just by being there.” 

Sometimes that’s all we have to do.

David Roper

1 comment:

Free said...

Jobs friends started off well by being present and silent. Then they unleashed the beast behind the white/yellow/black? Cage! (opened their pie hole)

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