Saturday, June 8, 2019

Everything is Free

"God is continually providing you with the Spirit as a free gift and continually working deeds of power among you. Does he do it because you do what the law commands or because you believe the message that you hear? That was exactly Abraham’s position; he believed God, and his belief was regarded as righteousness" (Galatians 3:5,6). 

Back in my sermon-making days I often approached Sunday morning feeling like Lowly Worm. The week had not gone well: I had not been a good husband, father, or friend. I felt I needed to prove myself to be approved, earn a few points for good behavior, establish a track record of righteousness before God could use me again. I planned to get through the morning sermon as best I could and try to do better next week. 

No, here it’s said that God lavishly, continually supplies us with his Holy Spirit and works powerfully through us as a free gift, and not because we've ever done anything, will do anything, or could do anything to deserve it.

Abraham is Example A. He was a awful husband, if you want my opinion, twice putting Sarah's life in jeopardy by lying to save his own skin. Yet his "faith was regarded as righteousness." Abraham put himself in God’s hands despite his frequent failures and God used him to bring salvation to the world.

There's no justification for being a bad person. Jesus has asked us to follow him in obedience and he supplies the means to do so. Repentance is always in order when we fail to be what Jesus has called us to be. A hard, unrepentant heart will always hinder his purposes for us, but our ability to do “powerful deeds" is not predicated on a lengthy pattern of good behavior. It's based solely on our Lord's willingness to work through us, as we are, a basket of deplorables, saved and sanctified solely by grace.

It's all of grace now. You don't have to work for it. Everything is free.

David Roper

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Going and Not Knowing

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing...